Afghan Dried Apricots


These are the most common natural apricots available in the market. Originating from Afghanistan, these apricots are softer and more fleshy than their Ladakhi counterparts.

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  • Afghan apricots are heart-friendly fruits, as they are high on fiber content.They help to reduce the bad cholesterol content in the body, hence keeping the heart protected.

  • The dietary fibre in the fruit improves the digestive system, which helps to increase the digestive system metabolism.

  • Afghan apricots are highly beneficial for your ophthalmic health. Being rich in vitamin A, with carotene and lutein, it helps prolong vision in people suffering from retinitis pigmentosa. It also delays loss of peripheral vision.

  • Afghan apricots are considered very good for the skin. The combination of vitamin C, A and phytonutrients ensure good skin.

  • Afghan apricots strengthen the bones as they are packed with both calcium & potassium.


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